
sábado, 6 de outubro de 2012

Cleric shop e drops

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Monsters: Chaorrupted Water Dragon x1
Chaos Turtle x1
NPCs: Cleric Casca’de Cleric Citra Cleric Dawn Cleric Ivory Cleric Joy Cleric Miele
Weapons_Table.pngA Blade Aquatic acsmall.png200 AC
Weapons_Table.pngCrimson Purification membersmall.png18,500 Gold
Weapons_Table.pngGolden Purification membersmall.png18,500 Gold
Weapons_Table.pngViolaceous Purification membersmall.png18,500 Gold
Weapons_Table.pngHeart of Atlantis membersmall.png2,500 Gold
Weapons_Table.pngIllustrious Jewel of the Sea18,500 Gold
Weapons_Table.pngMetallic Jewel of the Sea18,500 Gold
Weapons_Table.pngRoyal Jewel of the Sea18,500 Gold
Weapons_Table.pngTyphoon Trident membersmall.png20,000 Gold
Armor_Table.pngAdamantium Coral Plate acsmall.png600 AC
Armor_Table.pngHydraCaster membersmall.png35,000 Gold
Armor_Table.pngWarrior of the Clerics30,000 Gold
Helmet_table.pngGallant Crown of the Sea acsmall.png75 AC
Helmet_table.pngSparkling Crown of the Sea acsmall.png75 AC
Cloak_Table.pngCleric’s Aura membersmall.png20,000 Gold
Cloak_Table.pngDeep Sea Cape acsmall.png100 AC
Cloak_Table.pngRobe of the Clerics12,333 Gold
Cloak_Table.pngThe Arms of the Sea membersmall.png13,000 Gold
Cloak_Table.pngTranslucent Rose Cape15,000 Gold
Cloak_Table.pngWater Wings10,000 Gold
Cloak_Table.pngWhirling Rose Cape125 Gold

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